Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Equality Being (Improbable Monument)

Improbable Monument: Equality Being

·       Intro

Equality Being is a 500 foot Statue celebrating and encouraging equality of all: race, gender, ethnicity,  sexual orientation, religion, class, age, skin color, disability/inability, etc. Equality Being, or E.B., is an ambassador of peace and unity.

·       Background

The cry for peace is not a new one, but I am a proponent of equality and peace! Planet Earth’s human population is approximately seven billion and exponentially increasing!  In order to coexist in this world, the seven billion inhabitants of earth need to find solutions for differences and work together toward the ultimate goal of world peace.  



        War, torture, hate, discrimination, and class divide, are things that need to change in this world. To quote one of the most peaceful and thought provoking musicians of our time, Bob Marley, “Why can’t we be friends”, is a motto I hope will one day be a part of our worlds philosophy.  If only people could somehow realize that it is not just about themselves, but it is about humanity as a whole. I’m not saying we all need to convert to socialism, but we need to adopt some of their ideas of coexistence.
The eloquently written definition of peace, from Wikipedia is,

Peace describes a society or a relationship that is operating harmoniously and without violent conflict. Peace is commonly understood as the absence of hostility, or the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, safety in matters of social or economic welfare, the acknowledgment of equality, and fairness in political relationships. In international relations, peacetime is the absence of any war or conflict.”

Luckily, in 2011, malevolent leaders of the world have been eradicated and we, the people of Earth, have a chance of getting along.

·       Project Description

1.    E.B. is a 100 ft. tall monumental statue, who is not locative sensitive and can be taken apart and re-located.
2.    E.B. is a very basic human figure, who has about a million HD monitors embedded to the outside of its body.
3.    E.B. is a doubled sided figure whose head displays images of millions and millions of smiling faces around the world. E.B. also displays infamous peaceful/inequality busters in history. For example, images of Ghandi, members of the beatles, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Obama, Mother Theresa, Alex Grey, and the general populace of earth.
4.    Symbols and images of every race, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability/inability, intelligence/retardation, and culture will be displayed on the E.B.’s body.
5.    In between the HD monitors are high-powered-nanotechnology-solar powered cells, which create enough energy to power all of E.B.
6.    E.B. also lives in the Ethernet virtual realm, and has a website dedicated to world peace.
7.    Not only does E.B. display and influence peace, E.B. also has elements of interactivity. When the viewer/user enters the E.B. website, a virtual 3D image of E.B. will be displayed. The user can rotate, pan, and move the virtual E.B. in its live feed.  The user has the opportunity to upload a portrait of themselves, and if the portrait exemplifies E.B.’s ideologies, it will be displayed on E.B.’s head.
8.    E.B.’s first annual positioning party will be at Black Rock City, Nevada, during Burning Man.
9.    E.B. is an anthropomorphic computer who is determined to visualize world peace through the help of the technology and world interactivity.  

10.                      E.B. is improbable because:
a.     Expensive
b.    Non-existent technology
c.      Controversial
11.                      E.B. can never be finished, and will always be evolving into the ultimate Equality Being. 

I teamed up with animators of the movie "A Scanner Darkly" to fully show what E.B. will look like, here is a video from the film:


  1. ·       Aesthetically pleasing monument
  2. ·       Brings awareness to people the idea of peace and what it could look like on planet Earth, something which is desperately needed.
  3. ·       A fun and interactive experience which, teaches the user/viewer about the culture, religion, race, gender, class, age, sexual orientation, and an overall peaceful united consciousness.

Estimated Costs

·       Wooden foundation of the E.B. shape –
·        $1,000,000.00
·       Thousands of hd monitor’s displaying multiple images –
·       $5,000,000.00
·       Nano-technological- solar – panels
·       $100,000,000.00
·       Man power
·       $1,000,000.00

Total Estimated Costs: $150,000,000 to $200,000,000 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

improbable monument proposal

       In this hateful world, people cannot get along and put aside his or her differences, and just live peacefully. Due to all of the hate in this world, people cannot seem to put aside his or her differences and get along. Being the idealist I am, I am active in the advancement of peace and hope to one day have world wide unity.

        My proposal is a statue of a being that is of every race, both genders, with an androgynous  apearence, encompasses all religions, and is sexually fluid (meaning that it doesn't have a defined sexual orientation). The "Equality Being" also does not have any specific stature or class.

       Equality being will exemplify overall peaceful energy and will bring awareness to the world's inequality. This monument will have symbols engraved onto its body of every religious emblem. Since EB (Equality Being)is of both genders, he/she is a hermaphrodite.

       I hope for EB to help remind the people of this small world to conceive the injustice, discrimination, and prejudice we have all gone through. When this monument is built, it will, by law, be in place forever!

here is a very basic sketch:

The final product will be created in photoshop, illustrator, and sketch-up. I also need to find the optimum location for my monument!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Bicycle Day- April 19th 2011

       This art event is in commemoration to Albert Hoffman's (creator of LSD) experience on LSD for the first time. He ingested a minute amount of he recently synthesized chemical and he went on a mystical, hallucinogenic bicycle ride. He started a cultural spiritual revolution, on accident. Ever since then, people have been highly affected by the invention of LSD.

      The event started off with discusions from artists, philosophers, psychologists, and spiritualists speaking about the importance of pyschedelics in culture. The speakers were Ralph Metzner Ph.D (Harvard Psilocybin Project), Rick Strassman MD (first person in over twenty years to conduct US government-funded clinical research involving the use of psychedelic drugs.), Bob Jesse (spiritualist who is changing the way we think of religion), and of course....

Alex Grey---One of the most prominent visionary artists who has the ability to conceptualize spirituality in material form through the use of visionary art -- painting.  Here are some of his paintings:

 After the discussions, Alex and Allyson Grey, along with other visionary artists, did live painting with music and drinks! It was a lot of fun! I even had the opportunity to give Alex Grey a ceramic piece I made that represents one of his paintings "Bardo Being". I put my email address on the bottom of it, so hopefully, he will contact me.  :)

This event relates to Conceptual Information Arts on a different level; through the use of art and pysechedelics - we learn about the brain and consciousness. Since psychedelic drugs have been such controversial, under-looked invention, we as (artists, philosophers, psychologists, musicians, writers, and any other creative individual) need to teach people the important purpose of psychedelics.

For more information here's the event poster and Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (Alex's Grey website):


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alex Grey's (Bicycle Day Event)

Anyone who is interested in pyschedelic/visionary art should definitely come to this event on April 19th, 2011 at the Temple in San Francisco! Alex Grey is one of my favorite artists of all time! Join me!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Google Earth Proposal

Exploring Mapping through Google Earth:

For my geo-narrative, I am going to create a tour of all the places I have been in this crazy/small world! I'll start off where I was born, in Mission Viejo, California. I will then jump to Johanesburg, South Africa. Then Christchurch, New Zealand. Cambridge and London, England. Melbourne, Australia. Hong Kong, China. And of Course San Francisco, California.

My other idea is my biking trip from Santa Barbara to Laguna Niguel, California. I will map out where exactly our path was, and all the exciting events that happened along the way. Including being called a prick by James Bond (Pierce Brosnan), getting a popped tire, and all the cool places things we encountered on the way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chick-Fil-Gay in Effect

I turned my Logo into stickers!

Chick-Fil-Gay on a bus stop:
Chick-Fil-Gay on computers:
More stickers will be posted in the Castro!

Chick-Fil-Gay on parking meters:

Chick-Fil-Gay on trashcans:

Chick-Fil-Gay next to four leaf clovers:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finished Chick-Fil-Gay Logo Heist

Padraig McCoid:
The uproar against Chick-fil-A started in late 2011, when Equality Matters revealed that the company had given close to $2 million to anti-gay groups in 2009. When the term "anti-gay" is used, it does not refer to groups that merely oppose homosexuality; rather, it indicates a group that propagates falsehoods about homosexuals in a deliberate attempt to cause harm. The organizations in question have been labeled hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Each year, the SPLC provides a list of hate groups for law enforcement and the public. These anti-gay groups that benefit from Chick-fil-A's corporate dollars utilize a rhetoric that disparages homosexuals, spreading lies that play on the ignorance of an overwhelming majority in American society. This manipulation of the American people must be addressed directly if there is any hope to effect positive change.
Two of the hate groups Chick-fil-A donated to are the Family Research Council (FRC) and Focus on the Family.

The son of a bitch company Chick-fil-A is incredibly homophobic and retarded! Although they may have good chicken, they do not have good morals! Chick-fil-A is a big supporter of prop 8 and dont believe in equal rights!

rainbow rainbow

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Banksy (The Culture Jammer)

Banksy is the most famous culture jammer of present day. He does a lot of adbusting and billboard banditry with a political spin. He also is an incredible artist who works in painting, sculpture and culture jamming. He has gained notoriety by traveling the worlds' major cities and infiltrating his own controversial advertisements. 
Here's some of his awesome work:

The one below is in San Francisco on the wall of Public Works:

Supposedly this piece was purchased from the property owner. 

Mark Dery Response

" In an era of network news cutbacks and staff layoffs, many reporters are reluctant to pursue stoies they know will upset management. 'People are more careful now... because this whole notion of freedom of the press becomes a contradiction when the people who own the media are the same people who need to be reported on."

This is why I do not watch television, other than jersey shore, because I do not trust the information from television networks.

"There's a big difference between simple crime like holding up a 7-11 and creative crime as a form of expression...Creative crime is...uplifting to the soul...What better way to survive our anthill society than by abusing the very mass media that sedates the public?"

I love that there are infinite way in which to culture jamm! like subvertising, media hoaxing, audio agitprop, billboard banditry.
"Drink Coca-Cola--it makes you fart"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Burden Vicar (My Chance Project)

Indeterminacy  Project: BurdenVicar
This Chance art piece includes:
1         18”x24” watercolor piece of paper that will be marked into 9 quadrants
Acrylic paints
Printed google images
Printed Microsoft word documents
Online generators

Follow these Steps:
1.       Equally Draw 9 quadrants on the paper
a.       Number them out: 1 (at the top left), 2 (at the top middle), 3 (at the top right)
                              4 (at the next row down left), 5 , 6………..etc
2.       Choose your first quadrant using the random number generator:
Using the random number generator: www.random.org   (making sure to make the min: 1 and max:9)
If it repeats a number, press it again until you use up all of the quadrants

3.       Use the random color generator to choose the color of the quadrant:
Then using acrylic paint, paint the whole chosen quadrant with the chosen color. Blend colors to your best ability to get to that color. Don’t worry if you cannot get the exact color. Try your best!
*Repeat steps (1.), (2.) and (3.) until you finish all 9 quadrants.

4.       Choosing subject matter (a)
Go to: http://watchout4snakes.com/creativitytools/RandomWord/RandomWordPlus.aspx to choose your subject. Make sure to make the “word type” is set to a “noun” and the “complexity” is set to “obscure”.
A.      Go to Google images and type your new randomly chosen word

B.      Then use Random number generator: www.random.org  with a min: 1 and a max: 100

C.      Then this number will choose your google image. For example: If you got a 1, then the first google image that shows up for your word will be your image. If you get 45, count down 45 pictures from the top to the bottom

D.      Print out this image

E.       Cut out image so there is no background, and only the subject (preferably use a x-acto knife)

5.       Choosing Subject matter (b)
Go to: http://watchout4snakes.com/creativitytools/RandomWord/RandomWordPlus.aspx to choose your subject. Make sure to make the “word type” is set to a “noun” and the “complexity” is set to “obscure”.
A.      Go to Google images and type your new randomly chosen word

B.      Then use Random number generator: www.random.org  with a min: 1 and a max: 100
C.      Then this number will choose your google image. For example: If you got a 1, then the first google image that shows up for your word will be your image. If you got a 45, count down 45 pictures from the top to the bottom

D.      Print out this image

E.       Cut out image so there is no background, and only the subject

6.       Then…… use subject matter (a and b), put them into random paragraph generator:
subject matter (a) into primary subject box
subject matter (b) into secondary subject box
7.       Then copy and past the paragraph into Microsoft word.
a.       To choose the font of the paragraph:
 copy and paste the whole list of Microsoft word fonts from(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/924623
b.        Paste the list into the random list generator ( www.random.org/lists  )
*HINT- Make sure to keep this website open in its own tab/window throughout your whole process.
c.        Use the first font in the list.
d.       Then use random number generator to determine the font size ( www.random.org)  with a min: 8 and a max: 28.
e.        Finally choose the color of the font by using the same random color generator http://www.kareno.org/js/colors/
***Again use the best of your ability to estimate the chosen color in Microsoft Word
f.        Print out paragraph
g.        Cut paragraph so there is no white border. (To the best of your ability)

8.       Place paragraph in the middle of the colored quadrant, then place the googled images on either side of the text but inside the quadrant.

*** Repeat Step (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) and (7.) until you fill up all quadrants!

Then you’re done!
You just made a Burden Vicar!

Francis Ting's Indeterminacy Project:

1.     12x12 in. canvas
2.     Triangle
3.     Ruler
4.     Pencil
5.     Tape
6.     5 ultra fine tip sharpies in different colors  (One must be Black, which will be reserved for labeling coordinates)
7.     Internet access
8.     Microsoft Excel

1.     Take the 12x12 inch canvas and make small 1 inch incremental marks along the four sides using a ruler, pencil and tape. 
2.     Label the marks on the top and bottom in alphanumeric order (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.).
3.     Label the marks on the left and right 1-11 (Start from the bottom with 1 and work up to 11).
4.     Use the raw lists excel worksheet I’ve made to import into random.org’s random sequence generator. Paste the revised lists into a new worksheet labeled randomized lists.
a.     The first list is of all 121 possible coordinates on the canvas grid. Copy Column A (cell 1-cell 121) into random.org’s sequence generator.
b.     The second list is of eight possible combinations of line types: thick solid double, thick solid single, thin solid double, thin solid single, thick broken double, thick broken single, thin broken double, thin broken single. This must be done 4 times (to make a total of 32 cells)—just copy and paste the new sequence in Column B of the new worksheet.
c.      The third list is of the four possible colors to be used. I’ve used fuchsia, salmon, chartreuse and yellow—fill in your own colors, reserving the Black sharpie for labeling coordinates). This must be done 8 times (to make a total of 32 cells)—just copy and paste the new sequence in Column C of the new worksheet.
d.     Coordinate #33-#121 in Column A of the new worksheet may be deleted to avoid confusion. There should be a total of 32 coordinates—each will be one of 8 possible line types and of 4 possible colors.
5.     Use the Randomized Lists worksheet to plot coordinates on the canvas grid. Once coordinate #32 is plotted, create the last line leading back to coordinate #1.  Label each coordinate (in black) according to its assigned number to avoid confusion.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Extended body project

Before Image:

After Image:

Me as a Cyborg

         I am equipped with a nano-technological computer in my brain which gives me instant access to the internet and can store any information I want. It also stores images and videos from my robotic zoom lens eyeball. My eyeball can also switch from infrared, to night vision, to zoom, to enhanced colors. I have a supersonic ear implanted into my brain that can be controlled by thought. I can choose what I want to hear and how far away I need to hear. All of my applications on my body are powered by my piezoelectric energy harvester which is implanted in my leg. It harvests enough energy from the kinetic movement! I am a super human!