Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finished Chick-Fil-Gay Logo Heist

Padraig McCoid:
The uproar against Chick-fil-A started in late 2011, when Equality Matters revealed that the company had given close to $2 million to anti-gay groups in 2009. When the term "anti-gay" is used, it does not refer to groups that merely oppose homosexuality; rather, it indicates a group that propagates falsehoods about homosexuals in a deliberate attempt to cause harm. The organizations in question have been labeled hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Each year, the SPLC provides a list of hate groups for law enforcement and the public. These anti-gay groups that benefit from Chick-fil-A's corporate dollars utilize a rhetoric that disparages homosexuals, spreading lies that play on the ignorance of an overwhelming majority in American society. This manipulation of the American people must be addressed directly if there is any hope to effect positive change.
Two of the hate groups Chick-fil-A donated to are the Family Research Council (FRC) and Focus on the Family.

The son of a bitch company Chick-fil-A is incredibly homophobic and retarded! Although they may have good chicken, they do not have good morals! Chick-fil-A is a big supporter of prop 8 and dont believe in equal rights!

rainbow rainbow

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the rainbow and the text. Just wondering what places do you want to jam this logo and why?
