Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bicycle Day- April 19th 2011

       This art event is in commemoration to Albert Hoffman's (creator of LSD) experience on LSD for the first time. He ingested a minute amount of he recently synthesized chemical and he went on a mystical, hallucinogenic bicycle ride. He started a cultural spiritual revolution, on accident. Ever since then, people have been highly affected by the invention of LSD.

      The event started off with discusions from artists, philosophers, psychologists, and spiritualists speaking about the importance of pyschedelics in culture. The speakers were Ralph Metzner Ph.D (Harvard Psilocybin Project), Rick Strassman MD (first person in over twenty years to conduct US government-funded clinical research involving the use of psychedelic drugs.), Bob Jesse (spiritualist who is changing the way we think of religion), and of course....

Alex Grey---One of the most prominent visionary artists who has the ability to conceptualize spirituality in material form through the use of visionary art -- painting.  Here are some of his paintings:

 After the discussions, Alex and Allyson Grey, along with other visionary artists, did live painting with music and drinks! It was a lot of fun! I even had the opportunity to give Alex Grey a ceramic piece I made that represents one of his paintings "Bardo Being". I put my email address on the bottom of it, so hopefully, he will contact me.  :)

This event relates to Conceptual Information Arts on a different level; through the use of art and pysechedelics - we learn about the brain and consciousness. Since psychedelic drugs have been such controversial, under-looked invention, we as (artists, philosophers, psychologists, musicians, writers, and any other creative individual) need to teach people the important purpose of psychedelics.

For more information here's the event poster and Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (Alex's Grey website):

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